I am struggling with this feeling of not being enough... not knowing enough, not feeling like I am enough. It’s hard to even admit that I sometimes feel this way. How can I be a believer and still feel that I’m not good enough. This is just one of the daily battles that I face...
This thought just creeps into my head, but when I read God‘s word he says that I am more than enough! The word reminds me that I am created in his image! Wow, in his image? Little me in the image of the Great I am?!
I think the problem is trying to really believe and understand that I will always be growing and there is never going to be a point that I become the perfect Christian. To be honest that bothers me because I feel like I’m striving to do good things and be this good person and I don’t have to keep trying to earn this love of God it’s already a gift he’s given me, I’m like this daughter wanting her daddy to just tell her she is enough. And if I just sit still just for a moment I can hear my Lord saying those words to me.
I know that the feeling of not being enough it’s just emotional moment because when I dig deep down Inside of me I know better, but it is still something that is real. I know some of us feel this way but we must stay in the word and grasp what God says about us and believe it. My failures and past does not exclude me from being used for the kingdom of God. I am enough with Christ!
These last five months have been extraordinary... it is just something I can not put into words. Christ has given me opportunities to just pray for people on the spot. I have also prayed for people in my circle of influence (I’ve never done that before), and to see how He works in us how He uses us is mind blowing. So to that feeling of not being enough I say... ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. John 14:12
Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.